WHAT A SEASON IT’S BEEN! Starting with our end-of-season party last Friday, the staff & board of Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers will be publicly celebrating a successful year:
Look for 2021 stories and statistics in emails, social media, radio and print!
community members who volunteered in 2021.
Congratulations to our volunteer award winners and thank you to everyone who joined RFOV outdoors this year!
A season in a moment: staff reflections
Watching the sun rise at 12,500 ft below the imposing slopes of North Maroon Peak during our partner project with the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative was beautiful and dramatic. – Carl
I was reminded why I love this work when I said to a volunteer “It’s nice to see you again”, and he replied “It’s nice to be seen”. – Melissa
I was amazed on the 20th of August to head out with volunteers into the backcountry of the Lost Man Drainage and look up at snow-crested peaks dusted from a storm the night before...during a summer volunteer project! – Jack
While planting willows along a riverbank/the Crystal River, students paused to watch an American Dipper diving under the water to catch insects! – Ben
At Lazy Glen, I got to meet volunteers from across the state and of all ages – it feels great to see the community we help create in action! – Jacob
Helping volunteers recognize and appreciate the difference between native and non-native thistles after a day of education and invasive plant removal on the Lake Christine project. – Jennifer
A parent's emotional response to the Linkins Lake project – getting to work alongside her kids and reawaken her family spirit after a very difficult year from the pandemic. – Becca
From ford to rfov
A big thanks from the staff and board of RFOV – you made 2021 a stewardship success!
Glenwood Springs Ford values stewardship and supports RFOV: this month, the first $2,500 in contributions to RFOV will be matched by our friends at Ford.
Kirk Huyser
Attending 3 of our 4 October community projects, Kirk threw himself into strenuous tasks with a commitment to getting good work done. Kirk, you're our October Volunteer of the Month.
And thanks to all our 2021 Volunteers of the Month: Nick (May), Ted (June), Beth (July), Shaw (Aug), and Josh (Sept)!