Training Opportunities
RFOV offers a wide variety of training every year. Some are unique to each year while others occur on an annual basis.
You don’t need to be an expert to be a part of any RFOV trainings – RFOV provides all the support and training you’ll need!
Crew Leader Training
Meet some of our crew leaders:
*coming soon*
Volunteer Crew leaders are essential to RFOV’s mission. They help educate new volunteers on tool use and trail etiquette, supervise project days, and contribute to a fun, safe, and rewarding experience for all. Each year RFOV offers one hybrid crew leader training comprised of online training modules and 1 full day of in-person training prior to the start of the project season. Through this training, volunteers will learn leadership and group management techniques paired with foundational skills in the technical aspects of trail work and ecological restoration projects. Upon completion of this training, participants can shadow current crew leader and achieve full crew leader status after successfully leading crews on 2 projects.
Crew Leader Training Dates
RFOV will host two Crew Leader Training sessions in 2023. Dates are currently TBD. Check back for updates.