Get Involved

RFOV has a variety of volunteer opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Read below for more information and choose the program that is best for you! The physicallity required for every project differs based on the worksite location and specific work tasks. Volunteers will be able to self-select into crews based upon the strenuousness of the work to be completed within each crew. All RFOV community projects are delineated into the following 3 difficulty levels:


Physically Easy

Ex: walking under a mile to worksite, seeding, corridor vegetation management, small container planting, etc.

Physically Moderate

Ex: walking between 1-2 miles to worksite, trail tread maintenance, barbed-wire removal, large container planting, etc.

Physically Strenuous

Ex: walking up to 7 miles to worksite, overnight projects, extensive rock work, working on unstable terrain, etc.


Community Projects

We offer Community Projects from April through October. Come meet new friends while making a tangible impact on the ground. Open to everyone, RFOV community projects range from physically easy to strenuous, and many are accessible by public transit. No experience is needed and advance registration is required.

group projects

Custom stewardship projects are designed to maximize your impact on the outdoors while also building connections among your team.  RFOV provides everything you need for the day – leadership, tools, training, education, & logistical support – you supply the volunteers!

Each RFOV Group Project is between 4 to 6 hours and can accommodate 6 to 30 people.

Type of volunteer work and financial commitment depends upon the desired project.


Want to increase your impact? Commit to adopting a trail or open space by making a larger financial donation or putting in 40-60 hours of volunteer work each year. In recognition of your group’s stewardship service and/or financial donation, we’ll place an “Adopt-A-Trail” sign at the trailhead and organize projects to complete work on your trail. 

Youth Programs

To empower the next generation of public land stewards, RFOV connects students of every age with the outdoors through hands-on service-learning programs.

Throughout the year, the RFOV offers a variety of youth programs serving students 4-18 years old


Each year RFOV offers a variety of trainings for volunteers and partner staff alike. These can include but are not limited to crew leader training, trail maintenance, restoration, fire mitigation, leadership on and off the trail, and many more.

Community service

Do you need community service hours? RFOV offers a variety of pathways for your community service hours to be completed. Click here for more information. 

Can’t volunteer? DONATE